
Promised Help for Businesses with Energy Costs - Delay

Promised Help for Businesses with Energy Costs - Delay

The BBC are reporting that the promised help for business from the government regardsing energy costs won't come before November due to the mechanism involved and amount of support needed. It jas been confirmed, however, that whatever help is announced will be backdated to the 1st October, although the whole scheme is only scheduled to last fo 6-months.

Significant cost increases coming your way under DCP 161?

DCP 161 will be in force from the 1st April 2018 and it could cost you money.   Many electricity users c ...

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Changes to Capacity Market & Energy Intensive Industries Exemption Legislation

The energy market is changing and the Government is proposing some reforms that could potentially affect all busine ...

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Energy saving guide for the public sector

The Carbon Trust believes that the public sector could immediately cut its energy bill by £1 billion by imple ...

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